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Oral Health Theatre

The Oral Health Theatre will address topics such as oral cancer, making every patient contact count, obesity and oral health, a dental nurses journey into dental implants, air polishing, periodontitis and the body, the business of dental therapy, mental health and wellbeing in dentistry, how to take a global perspective to oral health - working differently, rethinking 'team',  and much, much more…

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10:45 - 11:15
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: This session explains what is meant by 'MECC' (Make Every Contact Count) and how this can be incorporated into oral healthcare appointments. It guides the learner in initiating these conversations, and links general health, oral health, and then back to general health again, to maximise the time spent with patients.

11:30 - 12:15
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcome: C

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  In every patient examination, digital solutions play a crucial role in devising necessary treatment plans. This lecture will explore a number of clinical cases where AI Insights was used to enhance diagnostic support and as an effective tool for patient communication, seamlessly integrated into a routine digital workflow. 

    Carestream Dental
12:30 - 13:00
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  Self care is central to maintaining oral health. This talk will explore how we can best encourage healthcare professionals to deliver optimal preventive support and motivate patients to value that support and make space in their lives to look after their oral health.

13:15 - 13:45
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, B, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  The session will cover the utilisation of dental therapists in NHS practice. Exploring the current barriers and enablers  


14:00 - 14:30
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD: B, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  This session covers the history and basics of Dental implants, educational pathways for dental nurses, and opportunities for career growth. Learn about patient-centered care, teamwork, legal considerations, and real-life case studies.

14:45 - 15:15
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, B, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  The audience will have a greater understanding of the MHWD framework and the chartership and be able to introduce it into their own working environment no matter which registrant group or administrative role they have. 

    Mental Health Wellness in Dentistry
15:30 - 16:00
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre
    CPD Outcomes: A, B, C
    Oral Health Foundation
10:45 - 11:15
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: Educate and enlighten delegates on the signs, symptoms and risk factors of mouth cancer and referral pathway management.

    Mouth Cancer Foundation
11:30 - 12:00
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CDP Outcomes: A

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  Patient experience is key to surviving as a dental practice in the next five years and we’ve put together the first steps you can take towards becoming a patient-centric practice. Enhance your understanding of patient care and consider how your practice can begin building a better patient experience.  

12:15 - 12:45
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, B, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  This session will discuss highlights from the recent Economist White Paper on Oral Health and start a discussion about what more could be done to prevent oral disease 

13:00 - 13:30
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, B, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  The audience will have a greater understanding of oral health and its provision in different environments and see oral health wellness in a different light. 

13:45 - 14:15
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcome: C 

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  All about air-polishing. An in-depth look at the history, indication and use of air polishing devices. Cat will talk through the different types of air polishing powders available on the market, when to choose what powder to use and how to use your air polishing device.  

14:30 - 15:00
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: As a result of this presentation, the delegates will have a greater understanding of obesity and its associations with oral health, including the relevance of this in clinical practice.

15:15 - 15:45
  1. Oral Health Theatre
    • Oral Health Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes:  This session will enable participants to explore the different types of abnormal tooth development and relate this to the correct timing of orthodontic referrals. 


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Oral Health Theatre Sponsor


Official Digital Technology Partner


Official Handpiece Partner


Business Theatre Sponsor


Official 3D Printing Partner
